Tuesday, 29 March 2011


Hi all,
the way freecycle works is that you reply as quick as you can and then you are lucky if you get an answer, it's not really easy to choose or to be picky... So if any of you see a 2 seater sofa, just reply as quick as possible and hopefully it's still available. If we all have a look first, then for sure it will be gone by the time we all get a chance to check it.
I don't think the look of it is that important, but it would be nice to have a 2 seater, not a 3 seater, in order not to take too much space. If we don't like the look of it, let's put a throw over it.



Hi there,
I have updated the calendar with the days I am going to be away in April, June and July.
I would like to see if I can find someone to use the space while I am away. I will let you know what you can grab! Nxx

Monday, 28 March 2011


Hello all!

I've seen a few ads for sofas on Freecycle but I'm not sure what you would prefer. Sadly there are no pictures, only descriptions. Can you also check it out and see what you think?


Monday, 21 March 2011


It was really good to meet most of you ( Sophie we missed you!!) today and here is just few notes from our first meeting:
We had a general introduction to talk a bit each about the  rich and interesting work and project that we are all working on. We thought it would be good to have sort of notice board on the blog to let know each other of opportunities (residencies, festival, platforms) as well as performances and parties!
We also proposed to try to keep the meeting to a fortnight ( and re-assess if we realise  that not enough can make it) but we did not have the time to fix the next meeting so I think the propose date could be Tuesday 5th of April from 12:30 to 1:30pm but as Antonio can't make any Tuesday we might not want to keep it as a regular meeting date we could perhaps alternate with either Mondays or Friday. Let's confirm what we can do...?
We also proposed that the meeting would be half (or less than half) logistic and the other half creative. To give a bit more structure to our feedback, we thought that each of us could ask a question to the group about their work (this can be quite broad and could include technical question or philosophical or whatever other dimension you might want to get us into!!!) we can also show extract of something to ask something specific...
I have updated the design of the blog, so now each time that you are posting something on the blog it is automatically emailed to each members so we don't have to sign in to see what is going on. The way I set it up is that all of us are authors so we can all post and change the design of the blog. I have also added some labels ( which are categories for the different kind of posts) when you post a message you can choose or create a label at the bottom of the message box and it will archive it there. So far there are the following: Post it ( I thought was just for admin stuff), Sketchbook and Meeting. we also have a label with each of our name ( I kept it as company to be simple). It appears as a list on the left inside.
We have also updated the calendar so that everybody has roughly 4 slots each/week so far all week ends are free. The calendar is on a different page and can only be changed by us from google calendar.
So now let's try to confirm the date of the next meeting and fix a regular day.
If I manage to fit everything this week I would love to go to the party on Friday and Kaya talked about a other event happening on April 1st, may be you can blog the invite..?

Monday, 14 March 2011

Me again :-)

Me and Antonio had our rehearsal today and we fixed some post-its on the wall in the office area. Those are part of our project so I hope that's ok if it stays there for a while. I'm quite free this week so please let me know when someone else is available to tape the floor. I was hoping there would be more people around today so we could do it together. Also my times are quite flexible for booking a new meeting date. So please suggest according to your availability!

We were also thinking about leaving a small box in the office area with some of out stuff . That's so it's not spread around and we also can keep things organised. What are your thoughts?


Sunday, 13 March 2011

Hi all!

Me and Antonio are coming to rehearse tomorrow morning and we will be around New Cross all day until the time of the meeting. So we are happy to help finish the floor. As I have written in my diary we booked it for 4.30pm. So please let us know if that has changed. We are also thinking about adding one extra slot to the calendar as so far we have only 4 slots. But we can discuss that tomorrow in the meeting.

See you all tomorrow then.
Nicole x

Thursday, 10 March 2011


Hi Guys,
The floor is still not finished (cut and taped) because we need a minimum of to do that, and we haven't been able to join time. I am in the space today but I think on my own and I will be tomorrow morning and may be with Nicole and Antonio. If it doesn't get before the week end we will have to do it on Monday before our meeting is it 4 or 5pm? can we confirm time on Monday. Also I have given my Monday morning to N&A, and put MOP in the evening as originally. I am up dating the calendar so that we can invite other people to use the space as it seems that we could do that. We would need the income to get a garden shade, more heaters and may be some mirrors, sofa...
Also let's talk on Monday  about how to best use the blog.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Hello all,

I saw the space on Saturday it looks and feels great with the floor. The underlay seems to work well, at least I rolled on the floor for the first time which was nice! I brought another little heater which adds a bit more warmth.

Sorry I could not help more with the floor, I have been away and now I have a bit of a poorly ear! but will be there on Monday.

s xxxx

Monday, 7 March 2011

first post

We have now a wireless internet connection, it works without passwords!

I'll be in the space tomorrow morning, hopefully with some of you so we can finish up the floor!
I have added Antonio and Nicole to the google calendar so you can up date your slots.
it would be good if we could meet up next week for our first fortnight meeting, i think it was originally planned for  Monday 14th, can you confirm that you can attend?
Very soon...Nx